

NIRE 9How do you make your life better? More satisfying? Happier? If you watch commercials on TV or look at ads in magazines, you will notice that promises of good relationships and good feelings about yourself are used to sell everything from SUV’s to laundry soap to beer to jeans.

Yet the truth of the matter is happiness is far more dependent on how much help you have with the laundry than it is on the brand of detergent. It is the quality of time together–the feelings you share, the commitment you feel–that makes a vacation memorable, not what you drove, wore, or drank.

And just as a personal enrichment class can help you enjoy scrapbooking or scuba diving, it can also help you have better relationships or a better sense of control over your own destiny.

IFC offers 5  workshops to enrich your life and your loveAll of these workshops are based on the MML series of materials (and the 10 research-validated Relationship Enhancement skills of Dr. Bernard Guerney).  These materials were developed here in Central Kentucky by Mary Ortwein.  They have been used by over 30,000 couples nation-wide to nurture and enhance their relationships.

Mastering the Mysteries of Love is a program for couples. It is divided into 2 Parts. Part 1 focuses on skills that generally strengthen relationships.  Part 2 focuses on problem solving skills.  Both are held on Saturdays.  See IFC Events for upcoming classes.  They tend to be held on the 3rd Saturday of the month at our office in Frankfort.

Mastering the Magic of Play is a program for parents of children ages 3-10. It also is held on a Saturday, usually every 3 months.  It teaches parents how to use play time to develop the parent-child relationship, to develop emotional intelligence, and to manage child behavior.

Mastering the Mysteries of Stepfamilies is an evening program that builds on the basic skills of Mastering the Mysteries of Love 1.  It is for any couple who bring children from a previous relationship into their relationship now.

Ready for Love is another evening program for singles and solos.  Solos may be in a relationship, but they come to relationship education classes alone.  Ready for Love teaches the 10 RE skills and content around making decisions about relationships.

For current schedules, see the IDEALS  schedule under the Events button at the top of the page.