

*  Key applied articles.         †  Key multi-area/overview/theory/paradigm/research articles.


A.    Child Relationship Enhancement® Family Therapy (Filial Therapy) & Child-Centered Play Therapy
B.    Parent and Foster Parent Training
C.    Family Therapy, Problem Prevention, and Enrichment Programs

A.    Premarital
B.    Couple Therapy, Problem Prevention, and Enrichment Programs


A.    Miscellaneous
B.    Divorce
C.    Drugs and Alcohol
D.    Violence
E.    Diversity

A.    Treatment, Problem-Prevention, and Training Institutions and Groups (Psychiatric
Hospitals, Residential Institutions, e.g., College Dorms, Prisons. Training for Couple
and Family Therapists, Foster/Adaptive Parents, Leaders of Children’s Groups, etc.)
B.    Organizational Development
C.    School: Preschool Through College Level
D.    Religious

A.    For Couples
B.    For Individual/Intrapsychic Problems


For information about reprints, contact:
Joanne Kempher, Email:


Accordino, M. P., & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (2002). The empirical validation of Relationship Enhancement® couple and family therapy. In D. J. Cain & J. Seeman (Eds.), Humanistic Psychotherapies: Handbook of Research and Practice. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 403-442.    †

Authier, J., Gustafson, K., Guerney, B. G., Jr., & Kasdorf, J. A. (1975). The psychological practitioner as a teacher: A theoretical-historical practical review. The Counseling Psychologist, 5(2), 31-50.

Factor, D. C., & Morello, P. A. (1980). Introduction to the skills approach in mental health services: An educational model of therapy. The Ontario Psychologist, 12, 5-6.

Giblin, P., Sprenkle, D. H., & Sheehan, R. (1985). Enrichment outcome research: A meta-analysis of premarital, marital and family interventions. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 11, 257-271.

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (Ed.) (1969). Psychotherapeutic agents: New roles for nonprofessionals, parents, and teachers. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1977). Relationship Enhancement: Skill Training Programs for Therapy, Problem Prevention, and Enrichment. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, Inc. Available from NIRE/IDEALS, 12500 Blake Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Information/order: E-mail    *

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1977). Should teachers treat illiteracy, hypocalligraphy, and dysmathematica? Canadian Counsellor, 1977, 12(l), 9-14.

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1978, June). The Relationship Enhancement program as an example of the skill-training approach to self-help. Paper presented at the International Workshop, “Changing Care and Cure: Patients as Facilitators in Care-Delivery,” sponsored by the Inter-Academic Hospital Sciences Working Group. (I.W.Z.), Maastricht, Holland.

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1979). The great potential of an educational skill-training model in problem prevention. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 3(2), 84-86.

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1982). Establishing a school for living cooperative: A proposal. In N. Stinnett et al. (Eds.), Building Family Strengths. Volume 4. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 277-290.    †

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1982). The delivery of mental health services: Spiritual vs. medical vs. educational models. In T. R. Vallance & P. M. Sabre (Eds.), Mental Health Services in Transition: A Policy Sourcebook. New York: Human Sciences Press, 239-241.            †

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1985). The medical vs. the educational model as a base for family therapy research. In L. F. Andreozzi & R. F. Levant (Eds.), Integrating Research and Clinical Practice. Rockville, MD: Aspen Systems Corp., 71-79.

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1990). Creating therapeutic and growth-inducing family systems: Personal mooring, landmarks and guiding stars. In Kaslow, F. (Ed.), Voices in Family Psychology, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publishing Company, 114-138.

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1994). Relationship Enhancement® Audio Program. Audio cassette recordings. Available from NIRE/IDEALS, 12500 Blake Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Information/order: E-mail

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1994). The role of emotion in Relationship Enhancement marital/family therapy. In S. M. Johnson (Ed.) & L.S. Greenberg, The Heart of the Matter: Perspectives on Emotion in Marital Therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel, Inc., 124-147.

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1995). Stemming family disintegration: Causes, symptoms, and role of psychosocial skill-training. In Family: The First Imperative. The William J. and Dorothy K. O’Neill Foundation, 30195 Chagrin Blvd., Cleveland, OH 44124, 117-129.

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (2004). Relationship Enhancement® Program Auxiliary Manual, 3rd edition, 52 pages. Available from NIRE/IDEALS, 12500 Blake Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Information/order: E-mail

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (2004). Relationship Enhancement® Program Participant’s Manual, 3rd edition, 114 pages. Available from NIRE/IDEALS, 12500 Blake Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Information/order: E-mail

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (2005). Relationship Enhancement® Client Manual, 4th edition, 152 pages. Available from NIRE/IDEALS, 12500 Blake Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Information/order: E-mail    *

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (2005). Relationship Enhancement® Couple/Marital/Family Therapist’s Manual, 4th edition, 333 pages. Available from NIRE/IDEALS, 12500 Blake Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Information/order: E-mail    *

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1987). Interpersonal Skills for Business and Personal Relationships, 242 pages. Available from NIRE/IDEALS, 12500 Blake Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Information/order: E-mail

Guerney, B. G., Jr., Guerney, L., & Stollak, G. (1971/72). The potential advantages of changing from a medical to an educational model in practicing psychology. Interpersonal Development, 2(4), 238-245.

Guerney, B. G., Jr., Stollak, G. E., & Guerney, L. (1970). A format for a new model of psychological practice: Or, how to escape a zombie. The Counseling Psychologist, 2(2), 97-104.

Guerney, B. G., Jr., Stollak, G., & Guerney, L. (1971). The practicing psychologist as educator–An alternative to the medical practitioner model. Professional Psychology, 2(3), 276-282.

Guerney, B. G., Jr., & Vogelsong, E. L. (1980). Relationship Enhancement therapy. In R. Herink (Ed.), The Psychotherapy Handbook. New York: The New American Library, 562-565.

Guerney, B. G., Jr., & Vogelsong, E. L. (1981). Relationship Enhancement® Demonstration Tapes. Audio cassette recordings. Available from NIRE/IDEALS, 12500 Blake Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Information/order: E-mail    *

Guerney, L., & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1987). Integrating child and family therapy. Psychotherapy, 24(3S), 609-614.    †

Joanning, H., Avery, A. W., Brock, G. W., & Coufal, J. (1980). The educational approach to social skills training in marriage and family intervention. In W. T. Singleton, P. Spurgeon, & R. B. Stammers (Eds.), Analysis of Social Skills. London: Plenum Press, 175-191.

Morello, P. A., & Factor, D. C. (1981). Therapy as prevention: An educational model for treating families. Canada’s Mental Health, 29, 10-11.

Snyder, M. (1994). The development of intelligence in psychotherapy: Empathic and dialogic processes. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, Winter 34(1), 84-108.


Family Therapy, Problem Prevention, and Enrichment Programs

Accordino, M. P., & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (April, 2003). Relationship Enhancement®  couples and family outcome research of the last 20 years. Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 11(2), 162-166.

Accordino, M. P., Keat, D. B. II, & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (April, 2003). Using Relationship Enhancement® (RE) therapy with an adolescent with serious mental illness and substance dependence. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 25(2), 152-164.

Aradi, N. S. (1985). Interaction and relationship: An interview with Bernard Guerney, Jr. The Purdue Family Therapist, Summer, 2(l), l-2.

Cavanaugh, J., & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1985). The view sharing inventory for couples. In P. Keller & L. Ritt (Eds.), Innovations in Clinical Practice: A Source Book (Vol. IV). Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Exchange, 285-304.

Coufal, J. D. (1975). Preventive-therapeutic programs for mothers and adolescent daughters: skill training versus discussion methods. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University. (summary segment)

Ginsberg, B. G. (1977). Parent-adolescent relationship development program. In B. G. Guerney, Jr., Relationship Enhancement: Skill-training Programs for Therapy, Problem Prevention, and Enrichment. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 227-267.

Ginsberg, B. G. (1989). Training parents as therapeutic agents with foster/adoptive children using the Filial approach. In C. E. Schaefer & J. E. Briesmeister, (Eds.), Handbook of Parent Training: Parents as Co-Therapists for Children’s Behavior Problems. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 442-478.

Ginsberg, B. G. (1995). Parent-Adolescent Relationship Program (PARD): Relationship Enhancement therapy with adolescents and their families (fathers and sons). Psychotherapy, Spring, 32(1), 108-112.

Ginsberg, B. G. (1997). Relationship Enhancement Family Therapy. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Available from NIRE/IDEALS, 12500 Blake Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Information/order: E-mail

Grando, R., & Ginsberg, B. G. (1976). Communication in the father-son relationship: The parent adolescent relationship development program. The Family Coordinator, 4(24), 465-473.

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1981). Marital and family Relationship Enhancement therapy. The Relationship, 7, 9-11.

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1982). Relationship Enhancement. In E. K. Marshall & P. D. Kurtz (Eds.), Interpersonal Helping Skills. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc., 482-518.

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1983). Marital and family Relationship Enhancement therapy. In P. Keller & L. Ritt (Eds.), Innovations in Clinical Practice: A Source Book (Vol. III). Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Exchange, 40-53.

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1984). Contributions of client centered therapy to filial, marital, and family Relationship Enhancement therapies. In R. Levant & J. Shlien (Eds.), Client-Centered Therapy and the Person-Centered Approach: New Directions in Theory, Research, and Practice. New York: Praeger Publishers, 261-277.

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1984). Relationship Enhancement therapy and training. In D. Larson (Ed.), Teaching Psychological Skills: Models for Giving Psychology Away. Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole, 171-206.

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1985). Family therapy research: What are the most important variables? International Journal of Family Therapy, 7(1), 40-49.

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1985). Person-centered therapy, therapists, and marital and family Relationship Enhancement therapies: Relationships. Renaissance, 2(3), l-3.

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1988). Family Relationship Enhancement: A skill training approach. L. A. Bond & B. M. Wagner (Eds.), Families in Transition: Primary Prevention Programs that work. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 99-134.

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1999). Relationship Enhancement® Family Therapy: The Experiential Format (P-Family). VHS videotapes. Available from NIRE/IDEALS, 12500 Blake Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Information/order: E-mail

Guerney, B. G., Jr. Relationship Enhancement® Marital and Family Therapies: An Updated Overview. Manuscript in progress.

Guerney, B. G., Jr., Coufal, J., & Vogelsong, E. (1981). Relationship Enhancement versus a traditional approach to therapeutic/preventative/enrichment parent-adolescent program. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 49, 927-939.

Guerney, B. G., Jr., Fraillon, J. M. G., Kirschner, D. A., & Kirschner, S. (1990). The adopted sister. In J. C. Norcross & N. Saltzman (Eds.), Therapy Wars: Contention and Convergence in Differing Clinical Approaches. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 218-241.     *

Guerney, B. G., Jr., & Guerney, L. (1988). Building relationship skills in families and para-family teams. In D. H. Olson (Ed.), Family Perspectives in Child and Youth Services. Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Press, Inc., 49-64.    *

Guerney, B. G., Jr., Guerney, L., & Cooney, T. (1985). Marital and family problem prevention and enrichment programs. In L. L’Abate (Ed.), Handbook of Family Psychology and Therapy (Vol. II). Homewood, IL: The Dorsey Press, 1179-1217.

Guerney, B. G., Jr., & Maxson, P. (1990). Marital and family enrichment research: A decade review and look ahead. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 52, 1127-1135.    †

Guerney, B. G., Jr., Vogelsong, E. L., & Coufal, J. (1983). Relationship Enhancement versus a traditional treatment: Follow-up and booster effects. In D. Olson & B. Miller (Eds.), Family Studies Review Yearbook Vol. 1. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 738-756.    †

Guerney, B. G., Jr., Vogelsong, E. L., & Glynn, S. (1977). Evaluation of the Family Counseling Unit of the Cambria County Probation Bureau, 45 pages. Available from NIRE/IDEALS, 12500 Blake Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Information/order: E-mail

Guerney, L. (1993). Relationship Enhancement. In C. E. Schaefer (Ed.), The Therapeutic Powers of Play, Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, Inc., 267-290.

Guerney, L., & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1985). The Relationship Enhancement family of family therapies. In L. L’Abate & M. A. Milan (Eds.), Handbook of Social Skills Training and Research. Somerset, NY: John Wiley and Sons, 506-524.† *

Guerney, L., & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1989). Child Relationship Enhancement family therapy and parent education. Person-Centered Review, 4(3), 344-357.

Hardley, G., & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1989). A psychoeducational approach to family therapy. In R. Figley (Ed.), Treating Stress in Families (Vol. 3), New York: Brunner/Mazel, 158-181.

Moore, C. D. (author), Guerney, B. G., Jr. (principal investigator). (1979). Fortifying family ties. (Written on the basis of an interview and materials supplied by B. G. Guerney, Jr.). Chapter in Families Today–A Research Sampler on Families and Children. NIMH Science Monograph (Vol. II). DHEW Publication No. (ADM) 79-815. Washington, D.C.: Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.

Morello, P. A., & Factor, D. C. (1980). The parent-adolescent relationship development programme. The Ontario Psychologist, 12, 7-11.

Scuka, R., Nordling, W., & Guerney, B.G., Jr. (2004). Couples’ Relationship Enhancement® Program Educator/ Leader’s Manual. 3rd  edition, 180 pages. Available from NIRE/IDEALS, 12500 Blake Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Information/order: E-mail

Saltzman, N., Driscoll, R., Fraillon, J. M. G., Guerney, B. G., Jr., Kirschner, D. A., & Kirschner, S. (1987). Clinical exchange: The adopted sister. Journal of Integrative and Eclectic Psychotherapy, 6(4), 480-495.

Snyder, M. (1995). “Becoming”: A method for expanding systemic thinking and deepening empathic accuracy. Family Process, 34(2), 241-253.

Vogelsong, E. L. (1975). Preventive-therapeutic programs for mothers and adolescent daughters: A follow-up of Relationship Enhancement versus Discussion and Booster versus No-Booster methods. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University. (summary segment)

Vogelsong, E. L. (1977). Don’t just talk – Communicate! The Single Parent, July/August, 20(6), 5-7 and 35-36.

Vogelsong, E. L. (1977). The art of healthy communication. Family Health/Today’s Health, July, 9(7), 26-28. (Interview)

Vogelsong, E. L., & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1977). The Relationship Enhancement® Program for Family Therapy and Enrichment, VHS videotape, 45 minutes, (recommended for historical significance). Available from NIRE/IDEALS, 12500 Blake Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Information/order: E-mail    *

Vogelsong, E. L., & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1980). Working with parents of disturbed adolescents. In R. R. Abidin (Ed.), Parent Education and Intervention Handbook. Springfield, IL: Charles G. Thomas, Publisher, 297-321.

Vogelsong, E. L., & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1982). Relationship Enhancement in clinical practice. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 10, 73-77.

Vogelsong, E. L., Guerney, B. G., Jr., & Guerney, L. (1983). Relationship Enhancement therapy with inpatients and their families. In R. Luber & C. Anderson (Eds.), Family Intervention with Psychiatric Patients. New York: Human Sciences Press, 48-68.

Vondracek, F. W., & Corneal, S. (1995). Relationship Enhancement. In F. W. Vondracek & S. Corneal (Eds.), Strategies for Resolving Individual and Family Problems. Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, Monterey, CA, 248-261.


A.  Premarital

Avery, A. W., Ridley, C. A., Leslie, L. A., & Milholland, T. (1980). Relationship Enhancement with premarital dyads: A six month follow-up. American Journal of Family Therapy, 8, 23-30.

D’Augelli, A. R., Deyss, C. S., Guerney, B. G., Jr., Hershenberg, B., & Sborofsky, S. (1974). Interpersonal skill training for dating couples: An evaluation of an educational mental health service. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 21(5), 385-389.

Ginsberg, B., & Vogelsong, E. L. (1977). Premarital relationship improvement by maximizing empathy and self-disclosure: The PRIMES Program. In B. G. Guerney, Jr., Relationship Enhancement: Skill-Training Programs for Therapy, Problem Prevention, and Enrichment. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 268-288.

Most, R. K., & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1983). An empirical evaluation of the training of lay volunteer leaders for premarital Relationship Enhancement. Family Relations, 32(2).

Ridley, C. A., Avery, A. W., Dent, J., & Harrell, J. (1981). The effects of Relationship Enhancement and problem solving programs on perceived heterosexual competence. Family Therapy, 8, 60-66.

Ridley, C. A., & Bain, A. B. (1983). The effects of premarital Relationship Enhancement program on self-disclosure. Family Therapy, 10(1), 13-84.

Ridley, C. A., Jorgensen, S. R., Morgan, A. C., & Avery, A. W. (1982). Relationship Enhancement with premarital couples: An assessment of effects on relationship quality. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 10, 41-48.

Ridley, C. A., & Sladeczek, I. E. (1992). Premarital Relationship Enhancement: Its effects on needs to relate to others. Family Relations, 41, 148-153.

Sams, W. P. (1983). Marriage preparation: An experimental comparison of the Premarital Relationship Enhancement (PRE) and the Engaged Encounter (EE) Programs. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University. (summary segment)

B. Couple Therapy, Problem Prevention, and Enrichment Programs

Aradi, N. S. (1985). The relative effectiveness of the Relationship Enhancement therapy and strategic therapy for the treatment of distressed married couples. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Purdue University, Lafayette, IN. (summary segment)

Bailey, J. (1992). Learn to empathize. New Woman, March, 54-57.

Brock, G. W. (1974). A follow-up study of an intensive Conjugal Relationship Enhancement program. Unpublished Master’s thesis, The Pennsylvania State University. (summary segment)

Brock, G. W., & Joanning, H. (1983). A comparison of the Relationship Enhancement Program and the Minnesota Couple Communication Program. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 9(4), 413-421.    †

Cavedo, C., & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1999). Relationship Enhancement® (RE) enrichment/problem-prevention programs: Therapy-derived, powerful, versatile. In R. Berger & M. T. Hannah (Eds.), Handbook of Preventive Approaches in Couples Therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 73-105.

Collins, J. D. (1977). Experimental evaluation of a six-month conjugal therapy and Relationship Enhancement program. In B. G. Guerney, Jr., Relationship Enhancement: Skill-Training Programs for Therapy, Problem Prevention, and Enrichment. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 192-266.

Couturier, L. (1990). Two days to a better marriage. Redbook, February, 80-81 & 140-144.

DeLong, C. (1993). The impact and perceived benefit of a communications skills-focused marital enrichment program (Relationship Enhancement) on couple types. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University. (summary segment)

Ely, A. L., Guerney, B. G., Jr., & Stover, L. (1973). Efficacy of the training phase of conjugal therapy. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice, 10(3), 201-207.

Figley, C., Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1976). Conjugal [Marital/Premarital] Relationship Enhancement Program (group couple therapy), VHS videotape, 35 minutes, (recommended for historical significance). Available from NIRE/IDEALS, 12500 Blake Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Information/order: E-mail

Ginsberg, B. G. (1977). Parent-adolescent relationship development program. In B. G. Guerney, Jr. Relationship Enhancement: Skill-Training Programs for Therapy, Problem Prevention and Enrichment. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 227-267.

Ginsberg, B. G. (2000). Relationship Enhancement couples therapy. In F. M. Dattilio & L. J. Bevilacqua (Eds.), Comparative Treatments for Relationship Dysfunction. New York: Springer, 273-300.

Greene, G. J. (1985-86). The effect of the Relationship Enhancement program on marital communication and self-esteem. Journal of Applied Sciences, Fall/Winter, 10(1), 78-94.

Griffin, J. M., Jr. (1990). The influence of Relationship Enhancement training on differentiation of self. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of North Dakota. (summary segment)

Griffin, J. M., Jr., & Apostal, R. A. (1993). The influence of Relationship Enhancement training on differentiation of self. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 19(3), 267-272.    †

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1990). Holistic marital therapy: Integrating marital therapy and enrichment. The Family Psychologist, Spring, 6(2), 20-22.

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1997). Relationship Enhancement® PhoneCoach® Program. Manual and audio cassettes. Available from NIRE/IDEALS, 12500 Blake Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Information/order: E-mail

Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1998). Marriage Education: Past, Present, and Future. Proceedings of the Family Impact Seminar Roundtable Meeting, Washington, DC: Family Impact Seminar, 15-21.

Guerney, B. G., Jr., Brock, G., & Coufal, J. (1986). Integrating marital therapy and enrichment: The Relationship Enhancement approach. In N. Jacobson & A. Gurman (Eds.), Clinical Handbook of Marital Therapy. New York: Guilford Press, 151-172.

Guerney, B. G., Jr., Nordling, W., & Scuka, R. (2000). How to Conduct Relationship Enhancement® Therapy with Couples and Families. VHS videotapes. Available from NIRE/IDEALS, 12500 Blake Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Information/order: E-mail    *

Guerney, B. G., Jr., & Ortwein, M. C. (2005). A Simplified Couple’s Relationship Enhancement® Program Couple’s Packet. Available from IDEALS, 813 Hillwood Avenue, Frankfort, KY 50601. Information/order E-mail

Guerney, B.G., Jr., & Ortwein, M. C. (2005). Love’s Cradle Couple Packet: Building Strong Families Through Relationship Enhancement®. Available from IDEALS, 813 Hillwood Avenue, Frankfort, KY 50601. Information/order E-mail

Guerney, B. G., Jr., Scuka, R., & Scuka, M. (1999). How to Conduct a Couples Relationship Enhancement® Program: A Video-based Home Study Program for Couple and Family Educators. Available from NIRE/IDEALS, 12500 Blake Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Information/order: E-mail          *

Harrell, J., & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1976). Training married couples in conflict negotiation skills. In D. H. L. Olson (Ed.), Treating Relationships. Lake Mills, Iowa: Graphic Publishing Co., 151-165.

Jessee, R., & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1981). A comparison of Gestalt and Relationship Enhancement treatments with married couples. American Journal of Family Therapy, 9, 31-41.

Ortwein, M. C., & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (2005). A Simplified Couple’s Relationship Enhancement® Program Leader’s Guide. Available from IDEALS, 813 Hillwood Avenue, Frankfort, KY 50601. Information/order E-mail

Ortwein, M. C., & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (2005). Love’s Cradle Leader’s Guide: Building Strong Families Through Relationship Enhancement®. Available from IDEALS, 813 Hillwood Avenue, Frankfort, KY 50601. Information/order E-mail

Palisi, A. T. (1992). Self-esteem and couples counseling. The Family Letter, 12(4-5), 1-8.

Rappaport, A. F. (1976). Conjugal Relationship Enhancement program. In D. H. Olson (Ed.), Treating Relationships. Lake Mills, Iowa: Graphic Publishing Co., Inc., 41-66.

Ross, E. R., Baker, S. B., & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1985). Effectiveness of Relationship Enhancement therapy versus therapist’s preferred therapy. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 13(1), 11-21.    †

Scuka, Robert F. (2005). Relationship Enhancement Therapy: Healing Through Deep Empathy and Intimate Dialogue. New York: Routledge. Available from NIRE/IDEALS, 12500 Blake Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904. Information/order: E-mail

Snyder, M. (1989). The Relationship Enhancement Model of couple therapy: An integration of Rogers and Bateson. Person-Centered Review, August, 4(3), 358-383.

Snyder, M. (2000). The loss and recovery of erotic intimacy in primary relationships: Narrative Therapy and Relationship Enhancement Therapy. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 8(1), 37-46.

Snyder, M., & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1993). Brief couple/family therapy: The Relationship Enhancement approach. In R. A. Wells & V. J. Giannette (Eds.), Casebook of the Brief Psychotherapies. New York: Plenum Press, 221-234.

Snyder, M., & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1999). The power of shared subjectivity: Revitalizing intimacy through Relationship Enhancement® couples therapy. In J. Carlson & L. Sperry (Eds.), The Intimate Couple. New York: Brunner/Mazel, 359-380.    *

Steinweg, C. K. M. (1990). A comparison of the effectiveness of Relationship Enhancement and strategic marital therapy using the strength of the therapeutic alliance to predict statistically significant and clinically meaningful outcome. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Purdue University, Lafayette, IN. (summary segment)

Van Widenfelt, B., Markman, H. J., Guerney, B. G., Jr., Behrens, B. C., & Hosman, C. (1997). Prevention of relationship problems. In W. K. Halford & H. J. Markman (Eds.), Clinical Handbook of Marriage and Couples Intervention. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 651-670.

Wieman, R. J. (1973). Conjugal relationship modification and reciprocal reinforcement: A comparison of treatments for marital discord. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University. (summary segment)


A. Miscellaneous

Accordino, M. P., & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1998). An evaluation of the Relationship Enhancement® program with prisoners and their wives. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 42(1), 5-15.

Accordino, M. P., & Herbert, J. T. (1997). Relationship Enhancement® as an intervention to facilitate rehabilitation of persons with severe mental illness. Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 28(1), 47-52.

Adams, E. M., Waldo, M., Steiner, R., Mayfield, R., Ackerlind, S. J., & Castellanos, L. P. (October, 2003). Creating peace by confronting prejudice: Examining the effects of a multicultural communication skills group intervention. International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 19(57), 281-291.

Harman, M. J., & Waldo, M. (2004). Relationship Enhancement family therapy with narcissistic personality disorder. In M. M. MacFarlane (Ed.). Family Treatment of Personality Disorders: Advances in Clinical Practice. New York: Haworth Clinical Practice Press, 335-359.

Harman, M. J., Waldo, M., & Johnson, J. A. (1994). Relationship Enhancement therapy: A case study for treatment of vaginismus. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 2(2), 122-128.

Snyder, M. (1994). Couple therapy with narcissistically vulnerable clients: Using the Relationship Enhancement model. The Family Journal, 2(1), 27-35.

Waldo, M., & Harman, M. J. (1993). Relationship Enhancement therapy with borderline personality. The Family Journal, 1(1), 25-30.

Weiner, S. (1991). Seminar releases prisoners from emotional isolation. The B’nai B’rith International Jewish Monthly, 106(102), 18f.

Zahniser, J. H., & Falk, D. R. (1993). Relationship Enhancement marital therapy with a schizophrenic couple: A case study. The Family Journal, 1(2), 136-143.

B. Divorce

Avery, A. W., & Thiessen, J. D. (1982). Communication skills training for divorcees. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 203-205.

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C. Drugs and Alcohol

Fonash, J., & Guerney, B.G., Jr. (1993). Relationship Enhancement therapy for co-dependency. In K. R. Falk & R. R. Fry (Eds.), Co-dependency and the Dysfunctional Family: A Collection of Papers. School of Education and Human Services, University of Wisconsin-Stout, 19-22.

Matter, M., McAllister, W., & Guerney, B. G., Jr. (1984). Relationship Enhancement for the recovering couple: Working with the intangible. Focus on Family and Chemical Dependency, 7(5), 21-23 & 40.          *

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D. Violence

Guerney, B. G., Jr., Waldo, M., & Firestone, L. (1987). Wife battering: A theoretical construct and case report. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 15(1), 34-43.

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E. Diversity

Ibrahim, F. A., & Schroeder, D. G. (1990). Cross-cultural couples counseling: A developmental, psychoeducational intervention. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Summer, XXI(2), 193-205.

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