Training Options

shutterstock_5122843IFC programs require training, but the training is affordable. Below are several options to bring any of our training to you. Read through the options, then call Mary Ortwein @ 502-227-0055 to discuss setting up a training.

Option One: Attend a Training at IFC or across the country at a training we do.

Check the Kentucky Schedules at the top of the page for scheduled trainings and details of registration. Costs for Kentucky trainings are $95 per training day per person with 6 CE’s, $55 per training day without CEs. To register on our client workshop page and email Mary at For additional information, contact us at 502-227-0055.

To register for a training Mary does at a different location, click the date of the training on the calendar and contact the training site.

Option Two: Attend a training by other Certified Trainers of Leaders or Therapists listed on the National Events Calendar.

Costs and locations vary. To find out details of a Training Event listed on the calendar, click on the date. Contact the training site for registration and additional information. Costs and registration requirements vary from site to site.

Option Three: Have a training by IFC staff in your community.

Our standard fees for on-site training are reasonable:

$600 per presentation day ($1200 for a 2-day training; $1800 for a 3 day)

Plus travel expenses and costs of materials for up to 60 attendees. Most of our trainings require “coaches.” This fee assumes that we can find a way to have coaches wihout additional expense. We almost always can.

Call Mary Ortwein at 502-227-0055 to discuss scheduling a training in your community.

Option Four: Arrange an “Open Door” Training in Your Local Community.

Open Door Trainings are one way for communities with limited funding to “open the door” to RE or Filial programs/therapies. In an Open Door training a local group agrees to set up a training. They provide local publicity and host the training. They pay a minimal fee ($500 per training day, plus travel expenses) with a minimal number of attendees who would pay to attend. We can provide CE’s, which is often an incentive for professionals. Once this minimal amount is met, the local organization and IFC divide the additional income generated by additional attendees. This makes it possible to “open doors” to RE and Filial trainings almost anywhere because such minimal funds are required. To explore this option, contact Mary Ortwein at 502-227-0055.

Option Five: Contact a Certified Trainer of Leaders to Come to Your Community to Lead a Training

Check the Button Certified Trainers of Leaders in this section for a listing of people around the country to lead programs and train in therapy. Contact one near you to come to your community to do a training. All arrangements would then be made with that trainer. The only thing you would get from us would be materials.

Option Six: Become One of Our One-in-a-Million for MML to Do the Training Yourself

We are seeking one Trainer of Leaders in MML for each million people in the US, roughly matched by geography and ethnicity. If you are in any of the states below, you would be eligible for a “scholarship” to become one of our One-in-a-Million. In this program you would need to journey to attend a training, then lead the program in your community twice. Application to enter the process is made at this point by sending a video of a two hour class segment to IFC for review, followed by an interview. You can then volunteer time working to support marriage and family education in your community in order to gain necessary supervision so you can co-lead a training with Mary Ortwein in your community. Some costs for the training would still be incurred, but the costs for individual supervision would be covered by your volunteer work. This is a wonderful way for small Healthy Marriage Initiatives to get started with the MML program. Once you become a Trainer of Leaders, then you would be able to work within your state to train others.

We are also looking for Trainers of Leaders in various ethnicities. If you have already learned the MML program and would like to become a Trainer of Leaders for your ethnic group, contact Mary at 502-227-0055. At present we have Trainers of Leaders from within the African-American, Hispanic, and Korean communities. Other groups are open!

States open for One-in-a-Million

















New Hampshire

New York

North Dakota



South Carolina

South Dakota




