
Facilitators for MML, Love’s Cradle, RE for Refugees and Immigrants, or any other Relationship Enhancement curriculum are required to complete at least a 3 day (21 hour) training.

During the training facilitators will learn:

  • The 10 RE skills:  Empathy, Expression, Discussion, Problem Solving, Self-Coaching, Conflict Management, Self-Change and Helping Others Change, Generalization, and Maintenance.  Facilitators for the MML program will also learn Forgiveness Skill.
  • How to use the RE skills in their own lives.
  • How to teach the 10 RE skills to others.
  • How to help participants practice and use the RE skills
  • How to use Experiential Activities to create readiness to learn skills and to cement skill use.
  • How to work with adult learners and manage troublesome situations in a relationship education group.

Typically, the training is done at your site for three days.

However, because of the Covid-19 crisis, at this time an alternative of distance learning is also an option.  Training can be provided via Teleconferencing in seven three-hour blocks.  Each of these blocks will include 45 min to an hour of supervised practice.  Typically, Zoom is used as the platform for this training.

You may decide to incorporate other information for other parts of your program into the training to extend the in person training for additional days, but 21 hours of training is required.

Supplemental training and coaching:

You may want to include ongoing collaboration and video-based coaching for facilitators during the first six months of their teaching Relationship Enhancement model classes. Exact design for this would be determined based on site need.  This could include a monthly group discussion of class experiences, review of videos of class sessions, or specific practice and problem solving.